Monday 22 October 2007

Design team gal!!!

This is our very Deb. Again as with the others i asked her to answer some question so we could get to know her a bit better.

When did you start scrapbooking and why did you start scrapbooking?

I started scrapping about 18 months ago. My Nan was showing early signs of dementia and my cousins and I were trying to research the family tree, which is really hard as a lot of my family were in the army and based in India, so the records are hard to get. And as my Nan couldn’t really recall that much I decided that I needed to start to document the photos and stories that we did have not only for my generation but for future generations as my Nan is the last link that we have to the family history, and the rest as they say is history.

How do you organize your albums

Very badly!! Because I scrap in a variety of sizes, 12x12, 8.5x11 portrait and landscape and 6x12 portrait and landscape, I found that my Los were being left in pizza boxes as I didn’t have enough of anyone topic, time etc in the same size to put in a postbound album and then I discovered the American crafts D ring albums, and now I can store all my different sized Los in one album. So far I have a school album, heritage album, general album, holiday album and I am about to take all the remaining Los out of the postbound albums and transfer them to D ring albums

Fav supply

How can I answer this question lol Everything I own is or has been my favourite at one time or another lol

fav manufacturer

I think that has to be Autumn Leaves, I love their clear stamps and have way too may! But I also love their paper collections and embellishments. I love how they have such different styles of collections and they have sooo many new releases all the time. And of course for me their idea books are the greatest!

Biggest hoard

Ooh that’s a hard one lol

I could say bazzill cardstock as I was recently made to measure my bazzill mountain and I have a 12” stack of the stuff lol

But then I probably have the same amount of patterned papers as I do bazzill lol

And don’t even get me started on stamps, ink pads, embellishments. So to answer the question ……. My biggest hoard is everything lol

Here is a picture of her scrap area...

Deb is going to be bringing us photography class every month as well, so make sure you check back for her classes.

Okay you have until the 25 th October ( only a few more days) before the deadline for the competition, so hurry and send in your entries, we have had some gorgeous ones already!!! And im sorry there has been no photo of the prize. Vanessa is having BIG camera problems!! but trust me i have seen the prize and it is scrummy!!!


  1. I have really enjoyed reading about all your DT girls, what a talented bunch they are :-).
    I emailed in my entry to your comp, hope it got to you ok as I haven't had a confirmation at all.

  2. Looking forward to your photography classes Deb, think thats something I could definitely work on! x
