Thursday 31 July 2008

Hard but clever...

I have used alot of pattern papers since I have started scrapbooking,there have been some that I have liked,some I have loved and some that I have run away from screaming!!! lol.

And I have to say these pattern papers from Scenic Route have been one of the ones that have made me run!!!

But I am not one for giving up and I was determined to use these papers, even if it took me two weeks to do.

So one day I asked Vanessa to pick me a few to try and I took them home.

After playing with them for a few days I realised that actually they do most of the work for you. You are not starting with a blank canvas, and I dont know about you but that first step to deciding how the page is going to come together is sometimes over whelming.

It also fills up the page for you, which in my eyes is always a good thing.

So, the first one that I used was the one that to me reminded me of a palm tree that was in the indoor pool at a cottage we stayed at on holiday. So I hunted through the photos that i had and found one that I thought matched the Scenic Route paper.

Since working with these for the first time I have learnt one major and very interesting way of using them.

Dont place the rest of your page over the pre made design place it under it and use it to your advantage.

I used my craft knife and cut along the edge of the leaves and then while actually making the page I slid the edges of all the cardstock and pattern paper through the slit that I made. The plant then became part of the layout and overlapped.

I am a really slow scrapper and I mean really slow, like one page can take me two days to do. But using these Scenic Route ones cut that in half, as most of the page is done for you.

For this one I used the Scenic Route paper that had the surf board on. I used the same principles as before. I cut along the right hand edge of the surf board from the top to the bottom and the after creating the page I slid it behind the surf board.

These papers are both from the Grafton range, but there are others in other Scenic Route lines, such as Ashville, Laurel, Sumner and Metropolis.

Now I cannot wait to see what the new Scenic Route pattern papers are going to be like, as I will defiantly be buying them.


  1. Absolutely phenomenal. Seriously - you are THE best.

  2. Wow - beautifull pages. I've been running scared too from those papers, but you really make them rock.

  3. Wao, this is a fabulous idea!! a way to get advantage of the design in the paper...thanks for sharing, this LOs are beautiful!!
