Thursday 25 June 2009


We had some lovely entries for our Father's Day competition and I must apologise for not posting the results sooner, it has been very busy in the shop and with staff shortages the blog has taken a back seat. However, I thought I'd show you some of the fabulous entries we had...

Lynn sent in 2 layouts:

Jo made this card:

A layout from Louise Collins:

This was from Ginger:

Another layout from Anna:

and our winner, chosen at random by my son...
is Louise Squires

Thanks to everyone who played along - Louise send me your address and I'll post off your prize!

And just while we're on the subject of Father's Day, I thought I would share the layout for the crop last Saturday, which featured my father! I used Crate Paper Orbit and got to play with grunge paper too!


  1. Congratulations Louise! You know Vanessa, I'd always help out in the shop....all those lovely goodies to look at...!!!
    Lou XX
