Friday 4 February 2011

More Je t'Adore!

As promised, here is another page using the gorgeous new Making Memories line called Je t'Adore.

I used the Red Ledger sheet as a dark background to hold my lighter coloured embellishments.

And talking of embellishments, I created the flowers to match, and below are the instructions on how to simply make the larger one yourself...

You will need:

2 1/2" scalloped circle punch

Patterned Paper


Wet Glue

Ink Pad

Long Armed Brad

Paper Piercer/Cocktail Stick

Firstly, you need to punch out a whole, 3/4 and half a scalloped circle with this 2 1/2" punch. Ink the edges of your shapes lightly with a brown/black ink pad.

Now cut out three lengths of this May Arts Net. You will need to cut one around 6" long, one around 5" and two thirds of the width, and a circle about 1" across.

Next, you need to scrunch up the shapes you have punched, and make the two part-circles into cone shapes by gluing the straight edges together. I used a small peg to be able to carry on working with these as they dry.

Now squash the two cones to flatten them and add more texture and loads of dimension to your flower.

You can now start constructing the flower. Firstly, get your full circle and poke a paper piercer through the center of it.

Keeping this in place, add a blob of glue around the centre of your circle, then thread your largest length of net around your piercer. You can weave the pointed end through the holes, gathering it up and bringing the net around in a full circle.

Now carefully hold this in place whilst you add another blob of glue to the centre...

...and add the middle sized paper circle. Any tearing only adds to the slightly distressed effect!

Continue to add the next layers of paper and net alternatively until you end up with your entire flower constructed on your paper piercer.

Carefully hold your flower together whilst you pull your piercer out, and replace it with a long armed brad through the center holes. Open the arms of the brad the other side to hold it all in place.

You can now trim your net and arrange the paper petals until you are happy.

This can be made with any coloured or sized paper petals, and any coloured net and brad to suit your project.

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