Tuesday 22 November 2011

Sale update

Although we are putting all our energies into packing parcels at the moment, I thought I would spend a few minutes to give you a little update on the progress of our sale, and address some of the issues that keep cropping up.

So far we've packed over a month's worth of orders in 2 weeks, so we're getting through them! However, the bulk of those orders were received on the 6th and 7th November. This means we are slightly behind our estimated despatch rate at the moment. We are aware that originally we didn't state a delivery time - we were not expecting to be as overwhelmed as we have been. The subsequent estimate was simply that - an estimate, and we would like to thank everyone for being so patient with us. Most of the orders placed on 6th have now gone out, just one or two outstanding.

Each order is picked and checked before it is processed and any refunds are worked out - this can be quite time-consuming itself. We had one order today that took 2 hours simply to pick. We are working in a space half the size we're used to, but we have extra help every day.

I generally go through emails in the evening - if you have emailed and not had a reply, please re-send it - we've had over 5000 emails since the fire and it's possible I've missed some! We try and answer the phone as often as we can, but we are working in a different room and it's not always possible.

Order statuses are also updated in the evenings, and refunds given then too. So we would like to thank everyone again for their patience, we are working hard and hope to get on top of things very soon.


  1. Hope that there's light at the end of the tunnel for you - my order came very promptly - thanks!

  2. Although, unfortunately, the one thing I really wanted that I put in my basket ended up out of stock, you refunded promptly and the rest of the order came through very quickly considering how inundated you were. Well done, and hope you'll soon be through it all and back on track. Wendy x

  3. Wendyp we think there were that many people ordering at the same time that it was in stock when you clicked on it, but by the time you paid other people had ordered it before you. When we checked the order times, some of them were seconds apart!!!

  4. Vanessa I think you and the team are all doing a fab job and I'm sure that people will understand the situation, after all some places you have to wait at least a couple of weeks for orders to arrive and they haven't experienced the trauma you have.

    With bargains to be had out of stocks will arise and I'm sure that everyone will understand!!

    Keep up the good work team and well done...xx

  5. Hope you can enjoy your holidays!
