Monday 2 April 2012

It's time for....

.... our annual Easter Egg hunt!!! We know you enjoy doing this as much as we do, and despite the fire last October, we still have around 5000 products to hide those eggs amongst! If you're new to the game, let me explain a bit more.

Every day for the next week I will give you a clue on the blog. All you have to do is work out the answer and find the egg on the website :) Make a note of the manufacturer and product, then once you have all seven answers you can email them to me (details on Sunday). And, of course, there is a prize to be had! This year we'll be giving away a pizza box filled with a mixture of new goodies to one lucky person (whose name will be drawn at random!) - AND we'll also be giving away five 6x6 pads to five runners up (one pad each!) .

So, without further ado, onto our first question...

Which Swiss city's most famous landmark is the Chapel Bridge?

Work out the answer, and hop on over to our website to hunt out the egg! And remember to drop by tomorrow for the next clue. Happy hunting!


  1. So pleased your doing the Easter egg hunt again Vanessa xx

  2. This looks like fun Ness, I am loooking forward to joining in.
    Warmest wishes

  3. ooo I love a treasure hunt..... off to hunt through the shop now. :)
