Friday 10 February 2017

Lets journal!!

Hi, Carol with you today… I suppose in this month of Love, and so near to Valentines my blog post should be about love and cupid…well, its love in another way!! I love to art journal so I'm going to share a disaster and a recovery with you.

For my last blog post, which didn't happen, I decided to do a journal page.  The base was prepped, using a dress makers pattern and pages from a dictionary adhered with multi medium…more texture was added using ranger texture paste and a brick stencil by Tando.  Dylusion paint was added using my fingers, creating large circles which overlapped… I then decided to add some paperartsy infusions… they wouldn't come out of the jar so I tapped a bit hard and then added water and ended up with a right mess! (shock took over and I forgot to take pictures lol) - so, gesso sprung to mind, added a layer and left it to dry over night… this is what I woke up to!

The infusions have come thro the gesso and so have one of my circles (there were three!) ummm not to be beaten I started again by adding some texture to the base...

 I then added some dylusion paint, once again using my fingers…. some stencilling, doodling with the fab dylusion paint pens in black and white (ring Vanessa she has them in store just not on the website yet), some Tim Holtz rub ons, I then added washi tape and some lovely ticket embellishments from Dusty attic and here you have one recovered art journal double page spread….

TFL xx

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