Wednesday 1 August 2018

First time for everything...

After a few months off of scrapbooking I am back and with something different ( for me at least )
I have messed around with Travelers Notebooks before. I loved it but...the sizes always got to me. As much as I enjoyed it I didn't like the really small small size.
But while at Papermaze the other day ( and hunting through things ...I like to hunt through the boxes as they come through the door!!!! so much fun ) I came across these journals and was surprised to see they were bigger.
AND inside of one of them is a squared notebook...I have a bullet journal that is squared as well and love that so these were perfect!

I wondered about what to use them for...and in the end I decided to just go with it and see what I fancied making. I really love just messing about sometimes with paper to make pretty things and not have to worry about where the title and journaling will go..So I just opened it and added what I wanted to on that day...very freeing! is my first page of my first journal. I used the line from Simple Stories called Hello summer for this months work!

I decided to mess about and do a page about our holiday±

I made a washing line across the page and hung up some squares of paper that I cut out. The sticker sheet that goes with this collection has some fantastic stickers on it!

I cut out woodgrain paper that comes with the paper line to make little pegs to hang them on and little hearts just to decorate.

The journaling parts were tucked underneath the other side of the page so they could be lifted up to add some journalling after we had been away!

If you have not tried this size to use you should. They are so much fun to do!!!!


  1. Hello Wendy, Travel Notebooks seem to be gaining popularity at the moment and I have watched more than a few YouTube videos featuring them. I like your page and I like the idea of a freer kind of 'scrapping' - for want of a better way of describing it. I also like the squared pages - better than lines for bullet journaling. I'm reading a very interesting book about the concept of bullet journaling at the moment. I don't have a TN but I do much the same as you do in my planner - I use an app on my smart phone to keep track of everyday stuff now so I have no need now for a paper planner and scrapping in it makes quite a change from larger scaled layouts. Elizabeth

  2. This is lovely Wendy and I'm so pleased to see you back on the blog. x
