Friday 26 April 2019

Its a planner thing...

I love making list and planning my week. And it had been a while since I had bought an actual planner to use.
But on a trip to see Vanessa at Papermaze I spied this planner on the shelves and saw that it was a non dated I bought it!

I knew that I wanted it to be more of memory planner instead of an actual planner. It turned out to be fun to make. It gave me  some creative time but didn't take as long as a normal 12 by 12 page would.

The paper range I decided to use with this was the Schimelle Head in the clouds line.

I have had surgery on my writing hand and I have fluid in between the bones so writing is fairly hard for me, so typing out my daily to do's and a short summary of a few events was my way forward.

I chose to select two points of my week to document more fully, with a photo and some text. I added these using a hole punch on some card and was really easy to do!

I have always found die cuts hard to idea why it has always been that way. But the die cuts on this the planner was brilliant! I now have a use for the several few ( ummm.... several hundred if Im honest) die cuts that I have been collecting over the last few years. I am also planning different things and ways that I can use the planner for weekly and  monthly. Im thinking a photo a day for one of the monthly spreads!

I think the 6 by 6 pads would work really well with this planner as the patterns are smaller and you would be able to see more of the gorgeous pattern. Also...I bought some of these thinner washi tapes to use with it.....I now need more of these as they are just the perfect size!

Do you decorate your planner or do you just use it for writing in?

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