Monday 18 January 2021

Hello! ScrappyAdam Here!

Well this is exciting! I’m so happy to be joining the amazing design team at Papermaze and can’t quite believe it! Papermaze was my first go to store when I was getting into scrapping and I loved browsing the store and the blog - and now I’m contributing to it alongside some of the most amazing scrappers! 

I’m Adam and I’m originally from North Wales but have lived in Manchester and Cheshire for most of my adult life and have lots of adventures with my partner and two of the best guys in the world - you’ll see all three of them on most of my layouts/projects! I do scrap other people but I don’t share everything I scrap, just because not everyone wants me sharing their photos across the World Wide Web! I love to travel (although like everyone else, we haven’t been able to do much this last year!) and experience new things. 

I first got into scrapbooking about eighteen months to two years ago now - a special trip to Disney sparked it off - I began searching online and it spiralled from there! Then I made a wedding album scrapbook for a relative as a Christmas gift and I’ve never looked back. I find that shopping for stash is a hobby in itself and I love scrolling through the online store here at Papermaze and seeing all the new arrivals! I’ve lurked in many Facebook groups for most part of the last eighteen months but never had the confidence to get involved with chat let alone share a layout! In reality, I’m quite a shy guy really! Once I got chatting to different people, I plucked up the courage and scrapping really has become a huge part of my life now - it’s been a saviour during the last year for sure! I can’t believe how much my confidence has grown - I never thought I’d see the day that I’d be on a design team, on Instagram and actively getting involved with all you creative, talented people! But I’m so glad I took that first step! 

I don’t scrap in any particular order at all. I’ve got thousands of photos and I’ll never be “up to date” and I’m fine with that - I scrap because I love it and to document memories, so every page I do records another memory and another adventure. 

It’s fair to say I’ve been blown away by the support and kindness people have shown me since I started sharing and to now be joining another design team, I’m incredibly grateful and so excited! 

For those that have seen the layouts I’ve shared, you’ll know that I don’t really have a style at all - apart from, perhaps, a more is more approach! I struggle with white space, for sure! I’ve learnt so much over the last few months and I’m still learning every day - and, like many of us, probably always will! Whilst I love and admire mixed media, I’ve not (yet) really got into it! I love mixing collections, stash diving, using cutfiles and lots of bits and bobs and really embracing the more is more way of scrapping! I really enjoy adding interactive elements to my pages as well as making mini books and little albums so I’m sure there’ll be one or two of those along the way!

To kick start my Papermaze design team journey, I thought I’d share a few layouts to give you an idea of what to expect from me in the coming months as I share my creations with you all! 

So the first layout I’ve chosen was one I actually made as a Christmas gift. I’ve used a cutfile along with actual lights! There are 50 micro lights in total on this! I love the effect so much, I’ve made three with lights now - it’s just something a little bit different! 

This is just me - bright and colourful and very little blank space! The cutfile was a labour of love but so worth it! Paige Evans just does bright collections so well! I can’t wait for her new collection to arrive into stock here! 

This one is about as far as I’ve got with mixed media! I cut the wreath cutfile from white cardstock and used ink pads and a spray to colour it! As is usual for me, I went to town with ephemera and bits and pieces! 

I do enjoy scrapping Disney! I’m sure you’ll see plenty of Disney photos coming up... for this ‘Storyteller’ layout, I made use of the cutfile rather than it just being a part of the background. Vicki Boutin, along with Paige Evans and Shimelle are probably my top three AC designers! 

Like I said, I love to include interactive elements and this page, using Cocoa Vanilla Studio’s ‘Daydream’ was one where I included a waterfall - a great way of including more photos... I’ve got six on this one layout!

Finally, this is one that shows that I really don’t have a style! Unusually for me, I embraced some white space and kept it real simple! It’s also unusual for me to scrap a photo of just me! 

I’m so happy to be here and can’t wait to share the first of my design team projects with you in February. Until then, enjoy all the incredible creations from the design team here and stay safe. 

Thank you! 
Adam 😁

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