Friday 6 July 2012

Product Review...Texture Paste!

Thanks to everyone who commented on the UKS blog hop - we've chosen a winner at random and that's Sue (UKS MiniOwner) - if you can email us we'll get your voucher to you!

I thought I'd show you a bit more with the Martha Stewart texture paste today.  I was absolutely thrilled when Vanessa managed to get some in stock! I just had to take some home that night to play with (all in the name of research obviously!) Here are some different ways I have discovered you can use it...

It comes in a small pot. The paste will usually require a bit of mixing before use as it does tend to seperate if it has stood for a while. However, although a large spreader is ideal for applying the paste over a mask, it would be too wide to fit into the tub. A lollystick is ideal for stirring and scooping the paste out first.

Probably the most obvious, and the first that springs to mind is to spread it over a mask. I love this effect, and you can make it as thick and bumpy or thin and smooth as you like.
The paste will take a couple of hours to dry, or a little less if you apply some heat to it, but too much heat will cause the paste to bubble.
As the texture paste is white and chalky, it will leave a white residue on anything it touches. But this could work to your advantage, leaving a subtle design when applied then wiped away with kitchen paper...
You could also add shine and colour top the paste. Try taking a bit of paste into an eggcup and mixing in some paint or ink. Here I have added some Silver ink, which is perfect for a metal effect...

Whilst the paste is still wet you can decorate it with gems, glitter or microbeads.
For a freestyle effect, splodge some on a page and use a spreader to smear the paste around.
You could try 'splatting' the pasteoff of your spreader or stick. This is a bit less predictable as to where it will go on your page, but you will get some lovely big textural lumps.

Above I have put some onto my page , and whilst it was damp, I sprinkled some embossing powder onto it. below is the effect i got on the same piece after heating it...ideal to create the effect of rust or moss!
So there are some ideas to get you started with texture paste, I hope you have as much fun using it as I did!


  1. Oh my goodness - thank you so much. Off to email you now. :o)

    Sue x

  2. hey, fab post, some really good tips, must look at your site more often!
