( Please note : No child was hurt during the making of this LO.
This is simply my little boy being a drama queen)
Hi, I'm Lisa and this is my first time contributing to this blog : )
I wanted to try something different for my first project. Vanessa kindly sent some
October Afternoon papers to me. I just LOVE them. But don't you just hate it when you have double sided paper and you love both sides?! So I decided to do something that would show off both sides and made this little windmill that does just that.
Here's how to make it:
1. Cut a piece of square card or paper. (about 20cm square)
2. Bring the bottom left corner to the top right corner. Crease and unfold and do the same with the other side.
3. Then cut from each corner along the fold just past the halfway point.
See Photo

4. Now start with the bottom left corner and gently bring it into the centre and hold in place. Now repeat that with every other corner so you end up like this.

5. Keep it together by using a
Now you have your finished windmill.
I did practise mine on old paper before cutting into the lovely posh paper. It did take a couple of goes to get it right.

Then onto the rest of the LO.
I really wanted my title to match the yellow of the patterned paper, but I didn't have the right shade, so instead took some
American Crafts Thickers and coloured over them. I was really pleased with the match it was also very quick and easy.

I've also used a couple of the
October Afternoon wildcards and a piece of this
netting too. It was too wide for what I wanted it so just cut along the centre to get the correct width and attached with staples.
I really enjoyed trying something different for a change.