My first is cutting up into squares to form a grid. (see LO above) This is so effective and very easily achieved. I've used the My Little Shoebox papers on my projects which are such a pleasure to work with. They are so fun. I've finished this LO with a matching journal tag.

My next LO I've used one of the die cut journal pieces which come on the same sheet but before sticking down I've turned it the wrong way and dabbed some paint around the edges so when you lift off you get just the outline. A great way to make your own patterned paper.
I've taken a piece of die cut paper and cut it down. A good way of getting 2 or 3 projects out of the 1 piece.
And don't you just love the mini alphas?? I can't get enough of these lately. I've used the little alpha stickers, also from My Little Shoe Box. They are really good value and last for quite some time too.

Have fun stretching your stash xx
Fantastic ideas and great LO's!!! I love fossil hunting at Charmouth too! xx
Excellent ideas, its always fun trying to make your stash go that bit further isn't it. I LOVE your cupcake card, too cute!
great ideas :) thanks for sharing
Great ideas! I always keep my paper scraps too :)
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