When I heard that there was going to be a scrapbooking shop opening within driving distance from me...to say I was happy was the understatement of the year.
I went down to Papermaze on the day that it opened...in fact my sister and I were there before she had opened the door.
I went back two days later and then a few days later and then over the next few months I was there more and more. After a while Vanessa asked me if I would mind designing some pages to put around the shop walls.
After that we came together and started up the blog and then came the design team...I then became the design team co ordinator...and then ran the workshops.
I have been part of Papermaze for many many years...I have enjoyed many days of putting together kits, sorting out design team supplies, looking through the new boxes and picking out the supplies I wanted before Vanessa had even had a chance to look!... going down there just for a chat and a cup of hot chocolate. I was there when it was thick snow and all the workshop girlies braved the country roads just to get together to scrap and eat chocolate. I have been to the Christmas work dos and had lunch in Vanessa's farm kitchen and cried when I got there to see the damage that the fire did.
But as most of you know, I have bad hands...I have had carpel tunnel in both of my hands for years now and the time has come where I have to do something about it. I am due to have an operation in the next few months on one of them....and looking at having my other hand done next year.
It has become apparent that doing this much scrapbooking and computer work has to stop....so after lots of thinking and upset I have decided to step down from the Papermaze design team.
I have enjoyed being part of the venture so much and I am going to miss it.
I hand the reins over to Lou...she works at the shop, designs for us, puts the kits together and she makes the most beautiful pages you have ever seen. Her email is now on the side bar if you want to ask her a question.
I am still here...I don't 'officially go anywhere till the end of December.... I still have a few posts that have still to be posted over the next few months..so I will be here for a little longer.
I have worked with some amazing designers over the past few years and I look forward to seeing what the girls have in store for you over the next year.
I want to thank Vanessa, for believing in me, making me smile and laugh and making this job so much fun... Wendy xxx