Hi, It's Anna here back and refreshed from a lovely holiday in the sunshine! I'm going to continue with the theme of holidays for my blog post today... 'Project Life for Holidays'.
As I'm sure many of you know the initial intention of 'Project Life' was, and still is to quickly and easily scrap day to day life working a week at a time. For me, I just can't quite keep up with this method so I mainly use it for my holiday albums. Today I am going to show you how this works for me.
I start with a postbound album, but a D-Ring album would work fine too if you need more space. A selection of 12x12 albums can be found
here. With a postbound album I unscrew the screws at the front and back of the album and while I'm working on it I keep it all unscrewed so that I can play around with the order of the pages if need be - make sure you keep the screws in a safe place if you do this too! I then take away some of the 12x12 pages that you get with the albums and add in some project life pages. Most brands of pocket pages will fit in an album with 3 screws. Have a look
here for your pocket pages.
The next job is to sort out the photographs. I do this day by day as I like my albums to be in chronological order. So I make piles of each days photographs and then decide which ones I'm going to put into pocket pages and which ones I will make a layout with.
Now we're ready to start putting the album together! Make sure you have plenty of
project life cards. Small stickers I also find useful to add extra detail onto pictures in the pocket pages.
I start with a title or diary page.
Then I start working my way through the piles of photographs. Some pages I keep simple, with just the odd sticker...

...and others I add a little more detail too. Using less pictures and adding in more project life cards. Don't forget that you can use divided paper
like this in your pocket pages. Just cut them up and use a
corner rounder on the edges and you have made your own project life cards!
I try to keep an even amount of pocket pages to layouts...
Remember to keep your
safe too as you can easily add this into a pocket page. You can add tickets into pockets or perhaps use some of these SMASH pockets like I have. As shown in the picture below...
Now that's done, it's onto the latest holiday!
Have a great day.
Anna X